Aysun | Profile
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Join date: Sep 2, 2022


1k likes received
66 comments received
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I am a teacher with unbounded enthusiasm.😎


  • Community Champ
    Community Champ
    Active participant in OXINA speaking clubs.
  • Trending Trailblazer
    Trending Trailblazer
    Have at least 20 followers.
  • Knowledge Guru
    Knowledge Guru
    Have at least 50 followers.
  • Prof Extraordinaire
    Prof Extraordinaire
    OXINA teacher
  • Watchful Guardian
    Watchful Guardian
    (Level 2) Show exceptional vigilance in monitoring content.
  • Moderator Maestro
    Moderator Maestro
    (Level 5) Reach the pinnacle of moderation excellence.


Current Level of English
CELTA Certified Teacher


Community Champ
Trending Trailblazer
Knowledge Guru
Prof Extraordinaire
Watchful Guardian
Moderator Maestro
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Stay in touch with your classmates and teachers from OXINA Academy. OXINA app helps English learners at the Academy stay in touch and learn through interaction.

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